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CoolSculpting – fat reduction and body sculpting results with no downtime
March 25,2021  |  Posted by: CMC

CoolSculpting – fat reduction and body sculpting results with no downtime

One of our most popular treatments at the Cosmetic Medicine Centre is CoolSculpting – a global leader in non-invasive fat reduction and body contouring, with more than 8 million treatments performed around the world (including hundreds of our own happy patients!).

CoolSculpting is the pioneering cryolipolysis technology for body contouring, which uses very cold temperatures to permanently freeze, and ultimately destroy, fat cells (adipose tissue).

Introduced to the Australian market in 2005, this ground-breaking technology offers suitable candidates a non-surgical alternative to reducing stubborn fatty areas or sculpting a more proportionate shape without any downtime. Treatment can achieve fat layer reductions of up to 27% across multiple treatment areas at 6 months. How’s that for impressive?

What happens during CoolSculpting treatment?

The CoolSculpting process targets a particular area of fat such as muffin tops, love handles, upper and lower abdomen, bra rolls, upper arms, inner and outer thighs, or a double chin.

The intelligent system uses precisely controlled temperature with proprietary cooling plates and vacuum pressure to gently draw in the tissue and target fat cells without harming the skin or surrounding tissues.

During treatment, one of our specially trained CoolSculpting practitioners places one of the proprietary applicators on the area to be treated. The fat is gently vacuum suctioned between two cooling plates for approximately 35 minutes. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort, just a suction sensation as the tissue is drawn into the applicator and the area will feel cold during treatment. Most of our patients spend the half hour relaxing, reading or catching up on social media.

Following treatment, the targeted fat cells enter apoptosis (fat cell death) and are naturally processed and eliminated by the body, with full results typically seen at 12 weeks. The best part is that with a sensible diet and regular exercise, you can maintain these results for good!

Contact us today to see if this fat-busting technology is right for you!

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