Suite 7, 50 Sherwood Road, Toowong, Queensland 4066
Choosing the right procedure for you and your needs can be a difficult decision. Our professional consultants can help you with the right treatment advice.
The Cosmetic Medicine Centre is located at Suite 7, 50 Sherwood Road on the second level of Toowong Place.
Located just five minutes from Toowong Village, our street level entrance is on Jephson St between Stepz Fitness and Swades Foods Toowong.
Car: Convenient 2-hour parking available onsite at our rooftop carpark. From Jephson Street, enter the first driveway uphill from the intersection of Sherwood Rd and proceed up the ramp to the left.
Train: 5 minute walk from Toowong railway station. Click here for a timetable.
Bus: Brisbane City Council bus route with stops at Jephson Street. Click here for a timetable.
Our receptionists will call or sms you 2-3 business days prior to your scheduled appointment to confirm. We would appreciate if you could confirm your appointment within 24 hours so that in the event you are unable to make it, we can make the time available for someone else.
The Cosmetic Medicine Centre complies with the Privacy Act. Your medical record, both paper and electronic is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times. Patients attending this practice are required to sign a consent form authorising release of information to a third party health provider involved in their care. All other information will require further consent. The full privacy policy can be found here