The Matrix Pro™ RF Microneedling procedure combines two highly sought-after aesthetic treatments, RF (radiofrequency) energy and Microneedling, delivered to the skin in a fractional manner.
Unique to Matrix Pro RF Microneedling, energy is delivered in up to 3 depths with each insertion, allowing your practitioner to provide customised treatments to target your skin concerns, creating new collagen and improvement in overall skin appearance and texture.
Key benefits of Matrix Pro™ RF Microneedling
- Rejuvenate overall skin, including promoting textural changes in the skin and smoothing fine lines and some forms of scarring.
- Improve skin laxity and crepiness on the face and body.
- Improve loose submental tissue and jowls.
How many sessions of Matrix Pro™ will I need?
The number of of treatment sessions varies, but typically 1-3 treatment sessions are required every 4-8 weeks. Maintenance sessions may be needed every 6 or so months, according to individual response.
What is the pain level?
Most experience mild discomfort. Some report a warm, prickly sensation as energy enters their skin.
Is there any downtime?
Immediately after the treatment there will be some warmth and redness to the skin. The warmth and heat typically resolve within 1-5 hours. The redness may take 1-3 days to settle. Small skin crusts are also common.
What makes Matrix Pro™ different to other Microneedling devices?
The Matrix Pro applicator uses the thinnest, highest-grade surgical steel needles available on the market today, for improved treatment comfort and better recovery times.
Are Matrix Pro™ treatments right for me?
One of the best things about RF Microneedling is that it is designed for a wide range of patient needs across their skin ageing journey. The Matrix Pro applicator can treat most skin types and a broad range of skin conditions. A consultation will determine if Matrix Pro is the most appropriate treatment for your individual skin condition and concerns.