It’s no secret that CoolSculpting – which uses freezing temperatures to permanently destroy fat cells – has become a gold standard in non-surgical body contouring. And the treatment just got better, with the addition of the CoolMini applicator for treating double chins and the CoolAdvantage applicator which reduces treatment time by half.
The new way to reduce fat
One of the greatest frustrations for anyone maintaining a sensible diet and exercise regimen is to still have stubborn pockets of fat impervious to a healthy lifestyle.
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses a targeted cooling process to permanently kill fat cells. Introduced to Australia in 2010, the technology can reduce fat by up to 25 percent in treated areas.
The observation that babies given ice blocks to suck over a prolonged period of time lost fat in their cheeks sparked four years of research into the role freezing plays in the destruction of fat cells. American dermatologists Dr Dieter Manstein and Dr Rox Anderson led a team of researchers from a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. They found that, under carefully controlled conditions, subcutaneous fat cells are more vulnerable to the effects of cold than the surrounding tissue.
The researchers demonstrated that, once a certain level of cooling is achieved, a natural ‘cascade’ of fat destruction begins. The body goes on to expel the destroyed fat cells through natural metabolic processes over a two to four month period.
This discovery, called selective cryolipolysis, led to the development of CoolSculpting, a breakthrough in eliminating excess fatty to help achieve smoother contours and a more proportioned physique.
Treatment time reduced by half
During CoolSculpting treatment, the unwanted fat is sucked between two cooling plates. This vacuum-like suction draws the area into the applicator head so that the cool temperature is directly delivered to the underlying fat cells. The initial suction is uncomfortable yet well tolerated, but the sensation typically subsides as the cool temperature numbs the area.
CoolSculpting has recently released an innovative new applicator head to increase direct contact with the area being treated and lower the temperature. This translates to a quicker treatment time (virtually half the time of a regular CoolSculpting session) and increased comfort.
With the new CoolAdvantage applicator, CoolSculpting can now be performed in as little as 35 minutes.
Double chins can now be treated
Another recent CoolSculpting breakthrough is the CoolMini applicator. The CoolMini is specifically designed to treat smaller volumes of fat, such as accumulation of fat under the chin. Double chins have traditionally been difficult to treat without surgery, but with CoolSculpting up to 20 percent fat reduction in the area can be achieved in one to two treatments.
With minimal, if any, downtime, CoolSculpting offers suitable patients a reliable non-surgical means of refining and sculpting their contours. In as little as 35 minutes, stubborn pockets of fat can, quite literally, be frozen to death and, with the help of a healthy diet and exercise, a slimmer physique can be maintained.
The Cosmetic Medicine Centre has been an early adopter of this groundbreaking technology. We have recently acquired the CoolAdvantage and CoolMini applicators to offer our patients best-in-class non-surgical body contouring.
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